Information about Francis B. Billingslea

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Full Name: Francis B. Billingslea
Date of birth: December 27, 1790
Place of birth: Wilkes County, Georgia
Date of death: August 15, 1852
Age at death: 61
Place of death: Madison County, Mississippi
Married to: Sarah Winston Turner on December 1, 1811
Children: Samuel Coleman Billingslea
John Billingslea
Martha B C Billingslea
Francis Billingslea
Frances Billingslea
Sarah Billingslea
Oliver F Billingslea
Mary B Billingslea
William H Billingslea

Buried on the Billingslea plantation - rumor has it that these graves still stand, if you see them, we\'d love pictures!

Currently we're missing the following item(s): parents, and possibly more. If you have any additional information at all please let us know!

When they died Samuel was 37, Frances was 29, Sarah was 26, Oliver was 23, Mary was 20, William was 15.
I know more about this person!

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