Members of the Canty Family
- Anna Canty
- Barbara Ellen Canty *
- Dennis Canty
- Frances U. Canty
- Francis Coulson Canty
- Francis George Canty Jr *
- Francis James Canty
- Francis George Canty *
- Henrietta May Canty
- James Edward Canty *
- Jeremiah Canty
- Jeremiah H. Canty
- Johanna Canty
- John Michael Canty *
- Laura Canty
- Leone Catherine Canty *
- Mark Christopher Canty *
- Mary Josephine Canty
- Mary Canty
- Mary Canty
- Mary Clare Canty *
- Mary Canty
- Patrick Clare Canty *
- Theresa Anne Canty *
- Thomas Michael Canty *
- Timothy Canty
- Timothy Canty
27 in database
* A star by the name indicates that the person is still alive and has not permitted their information to be published on the web.