Information about Mary Catherine Hageney

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Full Name: Mary “DeDe” Catherine Hageney
Date of birth: May 3, 1907
Place of birth: #12 Fairfield, Ashtabula, Ohio
Date of death: June 22, 1984
Age at death: 77
Place of death: Houston, Texas
Married to: Bill Murphy
Father: Harry “Poppy” Michael Hageney Sr.
Mother: Edna Mae Owen
Siblings: Edna Hageney
Harry Michael Hageney Jr.
Melva Josephine Hageney
Step siblings: Elizabeth Anne Hageney
Harry Michael Hageney III
Children: Mary Katheryn Murphy

Occupation: Nurse
Had a *really* big dog
Loved TV & Movies about animals
Liked buffets
Would knock on your windows if you didn't answer your door
Loved to travel to exotic places
Hunted Easter eggs on the white house lawn with her her sisters
Was very tiny in stature. When she was born, her father
put her in a shoebox in the oven because everyone thought she was too tiny to live.
-Facts collected from Kathleen Mullenweg and Norma Hageney

When they died Mary was 1984.
I know more about this person!

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